Stake Code Claimer is a Chrome extension designed to help users automatically claim Bonus Drop codes. This means you can rest easy knowing our extension is working for you, even while you sleep. It continuously monitors various Telegram channels for new codes and claims them instantly on your behalf.
Our sophisticated server handles the heavy lifting. It vigilantly monitors all relevant Telegram channels for any new codes. As soon as a new code is detected, it is forwarded to the Stake Code Claimer extension. The extension then simulates human movements to seamlessly claim the code for you.
We've compiled a list of the most common questions from our users.
✨ Stake Code Claimer is a Chrome extension designed to help users
automatically claim Bonus Drop codes. This means you can rest easy knowing our extension is
working for you, even while you sleep.
It continuously monitors various Telegram channels for new codes and claims them instantly on your behalf. 🌙
🔧 How it works:
Our sophisticated server handles the heavy lifting. It vigilantly monitors all relevant
Telegram channels for any new codes.
As soon as a new code is detected, it is forwarded to the Stake Code Claimer extension.
The extension then simulates human movements to seamlessly claim the code for you. 🤖
Please note that, you will need a computer to use Code Claimer Bot
(Unfortunately it doesn't work on mobile devices).
💡 Which codes can I claim with this?:
With Stake Code Claimer, you can effortlessly claim the following codes:
- Stake Daily codes 📅
- Stake Promo codes 🏷️
- Stake Highroller codes 💸
- Stake Saturday stream codes 📺
- Stake Saturday after stream secret codes 🤫
- Stake Weekly Bonus 🏆
- Stake Monthly bonus 🗓️
- Stake Forum challenge bonuses 🎯
- Some streamers' codes 🎥
⚠️ Will I get banned if I use it?:
Stake sometimes bans users for a week for being 'code drop abusers.' However, users who wager over
$15,000 weekly are generally not banned. We have measures in place to protect our users,
but there is always a small risk. 🔐
⛔ What will happen if I get banned for 1 week?:
If you get banned for 1 week and you are a Code Claimer user with a 1 or 3-month membership,
I will let you change your username to use Code Claimer in other account. 🆓
💰 Is it worth to buy it?:
If you wager $12,000 or more weekly, the Stake Code Claimer is definitely worth it.
It can pay for itself in 2 days with a weekly membership ($20)
and in 4-5 days with a monthly membership ($50). 💵
📊 How much do I have to pay to use Code Claimer?:
The pricing for Stake Code Claimer is as follows:
- 1 week: $20 💵
- 1 month: $50 💼
- 3 months: $120 💎
Special monthly discounts for multiple accounts:
- 2-5 accounts: $45 per account
- 6-15 accounts: $40 per account
- 16-25 accounts: $35 per account
- 26-50 accounts: $30 per account
- 51+ accounts: $25 per account
It is free for users who use my affiliate code. 🔖
🔧 What if it stops working?:
The first version of Stake Code Claimer was released in January 2024
and has been operating continuously since then.
When Stake makes changes to their site or code puzzles, we update the Bot and
server-side adjustments within 3-4 hours, ensuring continuous operation. 🔄
🛒 What should I do to buy it?:
To become a Stake Code Claimer user, you can use our Telegram Bot to buy new or extend
your subscription.
If you have any problem on this Telegram Bot, you can contact @ardag7 anytime. 📩
👤 Who I am?:
I was just a normal user who faced issues with claiming codes because of other bots
and decided to develop a solution.
Initially, it was shared with friends and later offered to other Stake users
experiencing similar challenges. 🤝
❌ Can I use Stake Code Claimer free?:
❗️ Unfortunately you can not use it free unless you are under our affiliate program.
✅ If you use this link to create your account,
contact @ardag7 to claim your lifetime free Stake Code Claimer access. 🎁
⚖️ Is it legal?:
It is not illegal.
Our Code Claimer extension does not bypass Stake's security system like other code collecting bots.
Instead, it fully simulates user behavior, closely mimicking how you would manually claim the codes,
except at a faster pace. 🚀
Have any questions or want to buy Stake Code Claimer? Reach out now!
For more information
Or use our official Telegram Bot StakeCodeClaimerBot to purchase a subscription.